Our Story

Hi! I'm Macy, the main voice behind Barefoot Florals, and that’s my sweet little family and momma - they help me run this show! I've always loved being creative. Growing up I found myself playing instruments, singing, and crafting. I found ways to be creative whenever I could. My dad and I spent most weekends outdoors, hunting, fishing, and just being in nature together. When I created my own corsage for my high school dance, I realized that floral design combined my love for nature with my creative spirit, and I dreamed of starting a floral business. With my mom naturally by my side as my biggest supporter, our mother-daughter hobby quickly materialized into a full fledged family business in 2022.

  • Owner & Lead Designer

    I have the best job! I get to communicate with clients and turn their ideas into a reality through refining color palette, floral variety choices, and arranging their florals. My goal is to make the process easy and straightforward to give you a stress free finished product that feels like you (just in flower form)!

  • Assistant Designer & Much, Much More!

    Molly is an Enneagram 2 and if you know anything about the Enneagram you know that a 2 is a helper. This is the perfect description for her! Molly takes care of all of the small tasks to free me up so I can spend my time creating. She also assists in the design process and is the Boutonniere Queen!

  • Logistics & Future Grower

    Clayton takes our big ideas and figures out how to execute them seamlessly on wedding day. He is currently rehabbing our garden plot and refining his growing methods to be one of our main flower suppliers starting in 2025.